I had to go to Labcorp to drop off a specimen last week. I signed in and they asked me to have a seat. Because of Covid, there were six chairs in the waiting room. As I looked around, an extremely thin, kinda nervous woman (I’ve named her Nelly) stood up and offered me her chair. I am a fat chick who, other than the bald head, looks relatively healthy.  I was wearing a cotton beanie, because air conditioning makes me cold without a head covering. I told her to please keep her seat. One person was called back, so I sat next to Nelly. Immediately, Nelly asked me if I had cancer. I said yes and told her all about it. She was very anxious and started crying. She told me she has ovarian cancer. Nelly was anorexia-skinny and didn’t look healthy at all. I just said, ”that’s a tough one”. Crying, she said she didn’t want to lose her hair. I and the others in the waiting room told her that hair is so unimportant in the grand scheme of things. We all were trying to ease her anxiety. 

I was called and after I came back out, Nelly was still there. I just went over and told her I wanted to give her a hug. I gave her a “real” hug; the kind that you feel to your bones. Probably 30 seconds to a minute later I went to end the hug, but Nelly kept holding on. This is when I realized this was a God encounter for me. After she dropped the hug, I went on with my business. I think about her a lot since then. I will definitely be praying for her comfort in the trials she has facing her.

5 thoughts on “Cancer Sux- Nelly

  1. I’m so glad you are recording your journey in a blog. You will look back one day and know how far you’ve come and what a grand work God has done in your life and in the lives of all who receive a “real” hug. I’m praying for you and for Dr. Bob.

  2. Real real hugs are needed! For the patient and for the family. While my Dad was undergoing his treatments for his cancer, it killed me that I was 700+ miles away and the only way I could see him was through FaceTime. I always looked forward to those REAL hugs that just a handful of friends gave me at just the right times!

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