Annie comes with me to Israel this month. She always has to add some excitement to very mundane events. We have a layover for a couple hours in Miami, so first thing Annie does is go potty. She hangs her backpack on the stall door, and props her iPad on the tp holder. 

After the potty, she catches up with Rob (her hubby), and heads to get a Cuban Sandwich. They finish and she decides to reduce the boredom…with her iPad of course (what were you thinking?!)  She looks around. NO IPAD! I…um, I mean SHE asks Rob if he’s seen it. No. Annie goes to the Cuban place. They haven’t seen it either. Then she remembers, it’s in the bathroom on the tp holder about a mile away (or so it seemed) near her arrival gate!

Annie speed walks to the restroom, which is blocked by orange traffic cones and yellow tape across the door. A policeman stops Annie saying, “there’s another bathroom that way.” She’s a little panicked and says, “I left my iPad in there!” The cop looks at her (60 yo with pink hair) and says, “oh, it’s you.” He actually seems a little disappointed. He says, “oh wait; what color is it?” “Red!“ “okay, you can get it.”

She goes in and they had blocked off the stall for everyone’s protection. Annie grabs the iPad and holds on for dear life, then apologizes profusely on the way out. She looks up and there are two BOMB DOGS headed to the bathroom. Annie ducks her head and continues to the gate. If she doesn’t move, maybe she won’t cause any more problems, but I doubt it!

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