A friend of mine, I’ll call her Annie, is traveling to a foreign country, we’ll say Germany. Annie is very clumsy and should wear bubble wrap 24/7, but she wants to act as other normal people do. So what does she do in Germany? Why, rent a bike, of course. So little time, so much to do. A bike will get there faster, and there are bike paths everywhere, right?!? Well…not everywhere. So she is riding down the street, hoping the cars will go ahead and pass (they are too polite to do that). The pedestrians have no such politeness in their bodies. So, as Annie is trying to get through this congested area, a pedestrian exerts her right of way, making Annie stop with the peddle in the wrong position. In trying to start back up (with a medium heavy backpack on), she loses it, the backpack helps with the loss of balance, and she falls face first on the pavement in front of all the cars, pedestrians, and at least four policemen. All of these people very kindly come to her aid, and of course she is humiliated. The police wanted to take her to the ER. Annie brushes them off, and says she has her husband (Rob), who is a doctor, right here. They are very concerned, but they don’t understand that this is the life of a klutz. So now, with bruises forming on both knees, a hand, and her face. Annie and Rob move on to their next destination on foot. 

I tell you this story, because, in commiseration with Annie, I will be appearing as though I have a huge bruise on my face in pictures. Not to worry. Some things you gotta do for friends. (Btw I am quite alright, and now I have a story to tell)

2 thoughts on “Annie and the Bike Ride- Germany

  1. You are ALL RIGHT, and I am glad that I ran across your blog. Hi to my favorite Samuel and to my favorite doctor Bob.

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